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sharpening grit chart

Introducing Our Sharpening Stone Grit Chart

We wanted to make sharpening knives and tools easier for everyone. But there’s a problem. When one person says “fine,” it might not mean the same thing to another person. And what one company calls “fine” could be different from another. So, we came up with a solution: a grit chart based on 10 levels.

Here’s how it works:

1Extreme Coarse
This is the most coarse level. It’s for really dull knives and tools. If your knife is super dull, this grit will take off metal fast. It saves time and keeps your finer grits from wearing out too quickly.
Use this level for dull to very dull edges. It’s slower than Level 1 but gives a slightly smoother finish.
3Medium Coarse
This is a common grit. It’s quick but doesn’t leave an edge so rough that your next grit can’t smooth it out.
This grit is in between coarse and fine. It’s good for moving from a coarse grit to a finer one.
5Medium Fine
This is what many people call a fine grit. It’s a step towards the finer grits but still too coarse for some tools.
This grit is good for most jobs. It’s fine enough for many tasks and common for finishing kitchen knives.
7Extra Fine
This level starts to polish the edge. It’s too fine for heavy-duty sharpening but great for refining.
8Extreme Fine
These grits are super fine and sharpen slowly. Use them after coarser grits to create an edge beyond commercial sharpness.
9Near Mirror like Polish
This grit gives a near mirror polish. It makes the edge shine and work well for any task.
10Mirror like Polish
This is the finest level. It removes almost no metal and gives an incredibly sharp edge. It’s perfect for precise cutting.
Sharpening Stone Grit Chart

Each level has a range of grits and particle sizes. You can find stones that match each level on our website. So, whether you’re a beginner or a pro, our grit chart makes sharpening simple and effective.

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